Submission to the Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority on the Economics and Business Aspects of the Draft Shape of the National Curriculum
16 October 2012
The new national curriculum on economics and business will significantly influence how primary and senior school students understand the role that the economy and businesses play in growing national prosperity.
It is important that the curriculum properly prepares young people for successful participation in Australia’s economic and social life. This will have lasting benefits, not just for the students themselves but also for the nation.
In this submission to ACARA (the Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority), the Business Council of Australia argues that the economics and business curriculum should:
- explain how diverse businesses operating in open and competitive markets can deliver social and economic benefits for the whole community
- develop an understanding of the role and operation of markets in society
- introduce students to basic business concepts like cost, revenue, and profit, and explain why they are essential to understanding business performance.
Read or download the Business Council of Australia Submission to the Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority on the Economics and Business Aspects of the Draft Shape of the National Curriculum here.