Submission to the Premier of Victoria regarding the Climate Change Bill 2010
28 September 2010
In this letter to the Premier of Victoria, the Honourable John Brumby, BCA CEO Katie Lahey notes the Business Council of Australia is concerned that there are substantial new proposals introduced in the Climate Change Bill 2010 that have not been previously consulted on, and the possible impacts on business and the community have not been fully assessed.
She also notes with concern the speed with which such a major reform is being introduced.
The BCA is calling for a more cautious approach to the Bill, supported by full consultation, arguing that:
- amendments are required to improve the review mechanisms
- consultation with affected industries should be enhanced
- unnecessary powers should not be vested with the Environmental Protection Authority
- information relating to the economic and environmental costs and benefits are essential
- the Bill should not impede a national approach to emissions reduction.
Letter to Premier John Brumby on the Climate Change Bill 2010