Submission to the Independent Pricing and Regulatory Review Tribunal Review of State Taxation
10 December 2007
Taxation plays a fundamental role in providing the optimum environment for Australian business to run effectively, improve productivity, and take advantage of the increasingly global and competitive world economy.
This submission, to the Independent Pricing and Regulatory Review Tribunal (IPART) Review of State Taxation, was jointly authored by the Business Council of Australia, the Corporate Tax Association and PricewaterhouseCoopers. It argues that in a federation like Australia, the overall competitiveness of the business tax environment hinges on an effective interrelationship between the tax systems of competing jurisdictions.
The complexity caused by the fiscal arrangements that have developed over the course of the last century create an additional weight Australian businesses must carry as they seek to compete with the world’s best.
Submission to the IPART Review of State Taxation
Attachment: Tax Nation: Business Taxes and the Federal–State Divide