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Submission to the Department of Immigration and Citizenship Strategic Review of the Student Visa Program
10 May 2011
In a bid to see Australia’s international education sector encouraged to grow sustainably into the future based on the provision of high-quality and relevant education services, the Business Council of Australia has lodged a submission to the current review of the student visa program.
The education of international students in Australia has become one of Australia’s most important export industries, but the sector is important for a range of other reasons as well. International graduates are a valuable source of skills, especially for businesses engaged in Asia.
They facilitate our diplomatic engagement around the world and help widen the horizons and networks of Australian students. In this context, it is a great concern to the BCA to see the international education sector facing so many serious challenges, including changed requirements for student visas and skilled migration.
This submission calls on the government to swiftly find a means to identify high-quality international education and training institutions, and create new, faster, less expensive and less onerous visa categories linked to these institutions.
We have recommended that international students planning to attend an accredited institution should automatically be entitled to apply for a fast-track visa.
Given the benefits that flow to Australia from this industry, the BCA will strongly support government efforts to improve the system.