Submission to the Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations on the Draft National Professional Standards for Teachers

31 May 2010

The quality of the teaching profession is integral to the future economic and social wellbeing of the nation.

The implementation of the National Partnership on Teacher Quality relating to the quality of teaching is a key element of the reforms required to lift school education outcomes.

This submission argues that the challenge is to develop a rigorous framework for quality education that lays the basis for promoting excellence within the profession, and which is respected by teachers and across the wider school system.

An effective set of teacher standards will help create the foundation for a national framework to improve student learning outcomes.

This framework should include:

  • An effective teacher assessment process.
  • A national teaching standards certification process.
  • Arrangements for recognising and rewarding high-performing teachers.

Read or download the BCA Submission to the Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations on the Draft National Professional Standards for Teachers here.



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