Submission on the Possible Application of a Greenhouse Trigger under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999

17 February 2003

This is a submission to the Department of the Environment and Heritage on the Possible Application of a Greenhouse Trigger under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation (EPBC) Act 1999.

This submission was made by the cross-industry
Australian Industry Greenhouse Network (AIGN), which included the:

  • Australian Aluminium Council
  • Australian Automobile Association
  • Australian Coal Association
  • Australian Petroleum Production and Exploration Association
  • Business Council of Australia
  • Cement Industry Federation
  • Electricity Supply Association of Australia
  • Federal Chamber of Automotive Industries
  • Minerals Council of Australia
  • Plastics and Chemical Industries Association
  • Pulp and Paper Manufacturers Federation of Australia.

The AIGN considers greenhouse emissions to be an issue of national importance. However, it is global issue that requires global solutions.

There needs to be a balanced approach to ensure Australian national interests including industry competitiveness, economic growth, and jobs are not sacrificed while we still take on our fair share of the world wide burden to reduce greenhouse emissions.

The submission argues that that a better alternative to adding greenhouse as a trigger under the EPBC Act is to continue working cooperatively to improve the processes and actions already established under the National Greenhouse Strategy (NGS), and recommends reaffirming the role of the NGS as the primary mechanism to meet Australia’s international greenhouse obligations.



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2003 Submissions

2003 Submissions