Submission on the Draft Indigenous Economic Development Strategy

12 January 2011

The experience of BCA members identifies education, employment and supporting Indigenous enterprise as priorities in supporting economic development for Indigenous Australians, with collaboration an essential ingredient of success.

Based on the lessons learned through our second annual survey of the Indigenous engagement activities of BCA member companies, this submission conveys frustration about the timeliness, flexibility and effectiveness of government programs.

The submission emphasises the importance of strengthening the transition from school to work and greater collaboration between schools, employers and the communities. Students need better understanding of the world of work, opportunities available to them and the expectations that go with them.

Businesses are committed to playing a leadership role in closing opportunity gaps between Indigenous and other Australians, but as the submission points out, the bureaucracy needs to embrace different approaches.

Submission to the Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs on the Draft Indigenous Economic Development Strategy

Attachment: Common Ground, Uncommon Results: Closing the Gap


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