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Submission on Draft Legislation for the National Broadband Network Company
18 March 2010
The BCA has made a submission on the exposure drafts of the National Broadband Network Companies Bill 2010 and the Telecommunications Legislation Amendment (National Broadband Network Measures – Access Arrangements) Bill 2010.
This submission argues the draft NBN Company legislation can provide a more certain business environment for other investors and lay a stronger foundation for realising the productivity benefits from high-speed broadband by:
- More clearly defining the scope of the NBN Company’s ‘wholesale-only’ operations.
- Providing for the strict observance of competitive neutrality.
- Strengthening the reporting requirements for the NBN Company.
The submission has been made to the Department of Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy and to the Senate Select Committee on the National Broadband Network. Read or access the submission below.