Step towards national consistency welcome
30 December 2021
National Cabinet’s delivery of a nationally consistent, updated definition of a close contact is a much needed and welcome change, Business Council executive director Jess Wilson said.
“By delivering a nationally consistent definition of a close contact, state and federal leaders are signalling the move to a more stable and certain 2022.
“This will help limit the economic damage and uncertainty created by the omicron variant, giving businesses and the community clarity about who will need to be isolated and under what circumstances people need to be tested.
“This move will also help ensure supply chains are working, shelves are stocked and businesses can keep their doors open by taking a risk based approach to managing close contacts.
“For the past two years the lives of Australians have been thrown into chaos by stop-start restrictions, inconsistent rules and ad hoc border closures.
“Now, we’re in a new phase of the pandemic so National Cabinet is right to focus on managing the risk and letting people get on with their lives.
“Clear, consistent and risk-based action is the best way to keep people safe and maintain the economic momentum of our recovery.”