Statement on Tax Reform
17 July 2015
“Yesterday marked a low point for political leadership in Australia,” BCA President Catherine Livingstone said.
“Within hours of the Treasurer outlining a compelling case for the need for fundamental tax reform and rebalancing of the tax mix, both major parties began ruling out key elements of sensible tax reform, including changes to the GST.
“At a time of great economic uncertainty, Australia needs and deserves strong leadership, and the opportunity to discuss reform options as a community.
“Any policy reform is hard, but that is not an excuse for resiling from the challenge.
“Our political representatives are elected and paid by the community to implement policies that will best serve the country. Their leadership responsibility is to ensure that there is a constructive, well informed debate, leading to implementable outcomes; it is not to undermine the debate in the cause of party political positioning.
“Leadership requires being open and honest with the community about the challenges we are facing. It requires the energy and conviction to take on difficult and complex reform imperatives.
“The tax review process, if done properly, has the potential to drive economic growth and underpin job creation. It is deeply disappointing that the process is not being given the chance it, and the community, deserve,” Ms Livingstone said.
For further information contact:
Claire Tedeschi, Executive Director Communications & Advocacy
Business Council of Australia
Telephone (03) 8664 2602 • Mobile 0457 822 642