State government support for businesses welcome

16 July 2021

Victoria’s business assistance package will help keep many businesses afloat and save jobs, Business Council chief executive Jennifer Westacott said.

“We welcome the Victorian government’s sensible decision to support the employers bearing the brunt of the state’s fifth lockdown.

“Every time businesses are knocked down by a new round of restrictions it gets harder for them to get back up, so getting this support out the door quickly is critical. 

“Combined with the federal government’s individual assistance package this will help see many Victorians through this uncertain period.

“Victorians know better than anyone the terrible economic and social costs of these lockdowns, so it is critical we put in place the systems to prevent them in the future.

“Vaccination is our ticket back to normality, so the business community are working closely with governments to ensure we’re ready to get people protected quickly once the supply is available.”


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