Senate economics references committee hearing

BUSINESS COUNCIL STATEMENT Opening statement by Grant King, President of the Business Council of Australia, to the Senate Economics References Committee hearing **CHECK AGAINST DELIVERY** Thank you Chair. The Business Council and its members welcome the opportunity to reaffirm our...

Making better economic cases for housing policies

Speaker: Jennifer WestacottVenue: Museum of Sydney, Bridge StreetDelivery: Thursday, 08 March 2018 Panel session - Making Better Economic Cases for Housing Policies Thank you, I am very pleased to be here as part of the panel discussion I agree with Duncan about the...

AFR Business Summit – Future of work panel

Jennifer Westacott - Introductory Remarks 7 March 2018 Thanks Joanne. There’s a lot of views about the future of work, so I would like to set out a perspective from the Australian business community based on a major project we...

Celebrating Indigenous economic success event

I would like to start by acknowledging the Ngunnawal people and pay respect to their elders and ancestors. Thank you Richie for your welcome. Your people have lived on and shaped this place for tens of thousands of years and...

2017 annual dinner

Speech delivered by Business Council president Grant King at the 2017 Business Council of Australia Annual Dinner. ***CHECK AGAINST DELIVERY*** I want to begin by welcoming the Prime Minister who we appreciate making time in his very busy schedule to...

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