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Policy for the 2010 Federal Election: Speech by BCA President Graham Bradley to the National Press Club
25 June 2010
On 4 June 2010, Business Council of Australia President Graham Bradley delivered a speech to the National Press Club in which he unveiled the Business Council of Australia’s policy benchmarks for the 2010 federal election.
Let me begin by thanking the National Press Club and the team at National Australia Bank that supports this important platform of ideas and exchanges.
The Business Council of Australia is an unusual, if not unique organisation.
It directly represents the views of the 120 people who lead the majority of the nation’s biggest businesses. The CEOs are our only members. They directly shape our policy agenda.
As the Business Council appoints a new president every two years, not all presidents have the responsibility I have today in presenting the organisation’s policy benchmarks for a federal election.
As I see it, that responsibility is not about lecturing our political leaders in economics 101. I see our responsibility as being to help the wider Australian community set the bar for the quality of policies they should expect from our political leaders in the coming election campaign.