National disability strategy a critical step

03 December 2021

The Business Council welcomes Australia’s 10-year Disability Strategy which brings together state and federal governments with a focus on workforce participation for those living with disability, Business Council chief executive Jennifer Westacott said.

“Australian businesses need the best talent and skills in the world, so ensuring that everyone in the community gets the opportunity to be a part of the workforce is win-win.

“This isn’t just the right thing to do; it is a national economic imperative. Reducing the gap between the participation and unemployment rates of people with disability by one-third would deliver a $43 billion economic dividend.

“Crucially, the plan helps link those with critical skills in areas like healthcare, education and construction to the industries that desperately need them.

“Large employers are committed to creating more inclusive workplaces that give everyone the opportunity to reach their full potential, this plan helps drive the level of coordination needed to do it.

“We also welcome additional funding to get the data right to give everyone a clear picture of the barriers to employment and how to fix them.

“Businesses stand ready to work with government and people with disability to address this national challenge and give all Australians the chance to achieve their full potential.”


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