JobKeeper changes critical to saving jobs
07 August 2020
The government’s eligibility changes to JobKeeper will ensure more Australians can stay in jobs and more businesses can survive the economic fallout of this pandemic, Business Council chief executive Jennifer Westacott said.
“These sensible changes to JobKeeper will make it easier for businesses to retain workers and will boost much needed confidence in the community.
“The government is better reflecting the reality of business operations.
“The changes to the eligibility test reflect the upheaval and uncertainty in the jobs market, and the changes to the turnover test reflect that businesses are struggling.
“People are worried about the future and we endorse the government’s actions in targeting taxpayers’ money to saving jobs and creating new ones. Crucially these changes target money to the jobs and people most at risk.
“Jobs are the key to the recovery and it is vital that we save the jobs of as many people as we can.
“The government has once again listened and acted on concerns that businesses have raised as economic conditions deteriorate, especially in hard hit Victoria.
“We continue to work with governments, unions and the broader community to get the health challenge under control so we can build confidence and stay the course on opening the economy right around the country.”