Job saving support welcome
13 July 2021
A new package to support jobs is a critical lifeline for thousands of workers and their employers, Business Council chief executive Jennifer Westacott said.
“This lockdown will end and when it does this package means businesses will be ready to ramp back up quickly and keep the recovery going.
“Once again state and federal governments have stepped in and put workers first by keeping them connected to their employers.
“The federal government has demonstrated again its willingness to step in, support states and make the changes needed to keep people working and businesses going.
“Workers and employers in every state and territory will welcome the certainty that this support will provide if their state is forced into another lockdown.
“However our focus must always be on getting the systems in place to prevent these lockdowns in the future.
“Vaccination is our ticket back to normality, so the business community are working closely with governments to ensure we’re ready to get people protected quickly once the supply is available.
“As more and more people are vaccinated, National Cabinet should quickly implement the plan to unwind restrictions with clear timelines and achievable targets.”