Growing Our Cities: Speech by BCA CEO Jennifer Westacott to the COAG Reform Council
21 July 2011
Speech titled ‘Growing Our Cities: The Role of Private Investment’, delivered by BCA CEO Jennifer Westacott to the COAG Reform Council on 21 July 2011
Thank you to Brian Howe and the COAG Reform Council for inviting me here to be part of this second workshop.
The Business Council of Australia sees this as a progressive, valuable and challenging series of gatherings aimed at continuous improvement in the way key sectors work together.
This second workshop goes to the heart of what the BCA is about. That is, making Australia the best place in the world to live, learn, work and do business.
It’s no pipe dream. It’s a realistic assessment of what we can be if we grasp our opportunities and tackle challenges with confidence.
My job this morning is to set you on your way to make the most of the two days in front of you. It’s a terrific opportunity you’ve each been given and I urge you to use it to open your ears and your minds to new ways of thinking and doing.
As I say, this is right up our alley at the BCA. Our members are the chief executives of 100 of Australia’s largest and most successful businesses.
Through the BCA, they apply their experience in creative, progressive problem-solving to develop, explain and promote policies for achieving economic, social and environmental goals that will benefit Australians now and into the future.
The successful growth of our cities is essential to achieving that vision.