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Economic Success, Community Prosperity: Policy Benchmarks for the 2010 Federal Election
28 June 2010
Can Australia be more economically successful and more socially responsible? Eighty-five per cent of respondents to a BCA-commissioned survey say Australia can do both.
Australia stands on the threshold of a new era of growth and prosperity. The right policy settings can enable a new generation of economic growth and improved quality of life. Australia’s nearly 20 consecutive years of economic growth has delivered benefits broadly across the community and been achieved despite episodes of global economic turmoil.
There is nothing miraculous in this performance. It reflects the gains reaped from hard policy decisions and reforms by all sides of politics. Reforms that opened our economy, promoted flexibility and competition, improved incentives to work and invest, and strengthened the regulatory underpinnings of our financial sector.
Through reforms that build on our advantages, we can achieve the economic, social and environmental goals that will benefit Australians now and into the future.
Australia’s economic resilience suggests that we should be more confident now in pursuing our own brand of ambitious reform, setting the pace for others to follow.
Elections provide the opportunity for political leaders to outline their visions for Australia’s future. With the right leadership and policies, Australia has the opportunity now to set its sights higher.
This publication, Economic Success, Community Prosperity: Policy Benchmarks for the 2010 Federal Election, provides clear and public understanding of our expectations in advance of the federal election. Read or download it below.
BCA President Graham Bradley launched the benchmarks publication during a speech to the National Press Club.
Economic Success, Community Prosperity: Policy Benchmarks for the 2010 Federal Election