Coastal Shipping Reform Needed to Boost Competitiveness
19 September 2014
“The speech by the Minister for Infrastructure and Regional Development today highlighted the major competitiveness problems in our coastal shipping sector, and the need for urgent reform of the Coastal Trading Act,” Business Council of Australia Chief Executive Jennifer Westacott said.
“At the core of the problem are cabotage restrictions which lock in uncompetitive shipping rates that impose excessively high costs on business and harm job creation, particularly in the manufacturing sector, Tasmania and regional Australia.
“There is a simple way forward. The government should prioritise an objective for a globally competitive coastal shipping sector and remove cabotage restrictions.
“If the government proceeds with this, it is critical that the parliament gives its support for what would be a much-needed boost to competitiveness and jobs growth across the economy,” Ms Westacott said.
For further information contact:
Matt Newton, Communications Adviser
Business Council of Australia
Telephone (03) 8664 2627 | Mobile 0409 550 578