Business welcomes talent scheme for skilled workers

29 June 2018

Business commends the Federal Government for listening and engaging effectively with industry to develop the Global Talent Scheme, which will be critically important for attracting highly skilled workers in a competitive global market for talent, Business Council of Australia chief executive Jennifer Westacott said today.

“The scheme is appropriately designed to prioritise opportunities for Australian workers and to facilitate migration of highly skilled workers to fill skill shortages in growing parts of our economy.   

“Skilled migrants are good for business and good for our wider economy – they help create the conditions for higher wages and a growing economy for all Australians.

“The Business Council and its members have advocated for a scheme which gives Australian businesses the flexibility they need to keep growing and investing in Australia.

“Our members prefer to employ Australian workers when they are available, but this pilot will provide companies with the flexibility they need to continue growing and evolving where there is a genuine need for specialised skills.”

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