Business welcomes sensible changes to skilled visas
08 March 2019
The economy will receive a welcome boost from changes that give businesses with proven track records of investing in the Australian economy faster access to the skills they need, Business Council chief executive Jennifer Westacott said.
“We welcome faster access to temporary skilled visas for businesses that have proven that they are compliant and have a genuine shortage to fill. Filling shortages quickly gives businesses the ability to continue growing, investing and creating new Australian jobs.
“Changes to expand the list of accredited employers and reduce visa processing times are particularly welcome, as are moves to ensure that businesses eligible to apply are aware of the scheme. We thank the government for listening to businesses concerns.
“Skilled migrants are good for business and good for our wider economy – they help create the conditions for higher wages and a growing economy for all Australians.
“Our members prefer to employ Australian workers when they are available, changes today will help provide companies with the flexibility they need to continue growing and evolving where there is a genuine need for specialised skills.”