Business Council welcomes Prime Minister's address to Asia Pacific Regional Conference
05 November 2017
“The Prime Minister spoke powerfully about the ability of trade to boost wages and lift living standards for all Australians. Only by embracing the values of liberal trade and international co-operation will we secure our future living standards,” said Business Council chief executive Jennifer Westacott.
“Mr Turnbull is right, business and political leaders must work cooperatively to protect the international systems that facilitate the trade and investment needed to grow our economy, along with the economies of our neighbours.
“Nowhere more than here in Western Australia is the importance of trade and investment clearer.
“International investment has helped to build this state – if it is going to thrive we will need to attract more investment again. Australia must be an attractive place for increasingly mobile global capital and it must help support the international frameworks which make this investment possible.
“The opening of our economy under successive governments in Australia has helped see real incomes per person double over the last 40 years. Seeing that continue will require a commitment to freer trade and to building a more competitive economy.
“Open trade along with a competitive economy is Australia’s lifeblood, the Prime Minister is right to fiercely defend the values which have delivered prosperity to the Australian community.”