Budget submission 2020-21 - Road to recovery
04 September 2020
Australia is not alone in this crisis. We are in the midst of a global pandemic that has created a global recession. And the geopolitical environment has become more challenging.
Our strength and resilience has helped us in the past but responding to the current crisis will need us to build on those strengths and consider new strategies. We are the lucky country but we have to make our own luck, now more than ever.
We need to get in front of the world, not fall behind. The cost of inaction is high and the largest cost will be lost jobs. There are already 1 million people out of work and nearly 1.5 million on JobSeeker. If we don’t act now more people will be out of work for longer.
Business is ready to get on with the job of recovery. This submission sets out our plan for economic recovery and a stronger economy on the other side of the crisis.