BCA submission to the National Adaptation Plan

16 April 2024

The Business Council of Australia (BCA) welcomes the release of the National Climate Risk Assessment in recognition of the Commonwealth’s role and responsibilities in providing leadership on national adaptation reform, and providing climate information that is meaningful for decision-makers to respond to climate change. We acknowledge that the first pass paper identified 56 nationally significant climate risks out of which 11 have been assessed as priority risks and are being examined in the second stage of work this year.

The BCA supports the development of a comprehensive National Adaptation Plan which responds to the identified risks and provides a basis for long term planning and mitigating the potential risks. This pivotal initiative underscores the crucial role of adaptation in fostering resilience and minimising the potential economic, environmental, and social costs.

In this submission, we intend to highlight key aspects of the National Adaptation Plan and offer insights from the BCA perspective, emphasising the critical components and overarching goals.

Read our full submission here.


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