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2016 Submissions
Submission to the New South Wales Climate Change Policy Framework
This is the Business Council of Australia’s submission to the New South Wales (NSW) Climate Change Policy Framework. The framework that has been proposed by the NSW government demonstrates the constructive role that state governments can play when developing climate...
Response to the Productivity Commission's draft report on data availability and use
In our initial submission, the Business Council has outlined a number of objectives for data related policy, specifically, to: encourage investment and innovation in data by companies. Greater use of data generates benefits for consumers, including lower prices, access to...
Submission on the interim report of the Australian Consumer Law Review
The Business Council's submission on the Interim Report of the Australian Consumer Law review recognises the importance of an effective consumer protection law but cautions against new regulatory interventions being floated in the report that are not supported by a...
Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank's energy strategy
This submission to the AIIB's Energy Strategy Issues Note highlights the Business Council's policy that, to meet Australia’s 2030 target, we will need a suite of durable post-2020 climate change policies. These policies should be integrated with broader energy policy and...
Submission to the Queensland renewable energy target expert panel
This is the Business Council of Australia’s submission to the Queensland Renewable Energy Expert Panel’s draft report titled Credible pathways to a 50% renewable energy target for Queensland. The submission: Reinforces the importance of a coherent national climate change and...
Productivity Commission Review of Human Services
This is the Business Council’s submission to the first stage of the Productivity Commission’s inquiry into Reforms to Human Services. While adopting principles of choice and competition in human services like health is the right, high-level approach, implementing this in...
VET Student Loans Bills Inquiry
This is a joint submission from the Australian Industry Group and the Business Council of Australia. The VET FEE-HELP (VFH) program was designed to encourage students into the VET sector, and provide additional funding to ensure businesses had the workers...
Submission in support of ratification of the Paris Agreement
The Business Council of Australia supports the Australian Government’s decision to ratify the Paris Agreement. The Business Council considers that with a suite of national, durable post-2020 climate change policies, that build on existing regulatory frameworks and are integrated with...
Review of limited merits review regime
This is the Business Council’s submission to the COAG Energy Council on the review of the limited merits review framework in the National Electricity Law and the National Gas Law. The submission explains why access to merits review is the...
Redesigning VET FEE-HELP
This is the Business Council’s submission to the Federal Government’s discussion paper on the redesign of VET FEE-HELP. The Business Council believes this review provides an opportunity to design a scheme that is fit for purpose for the VET sector,...