2016 Speeches
Supply Nation's Connect 2016 Keynote Speech by Jennifer Westacott

This speech was delivered by BCA Chief Executive Jennifer Westacott at Supply Nation's Connect 2016 event in Sydney on 2 May 2016.  Check against delivery.  I would like to acknowledge Country, and will do so in a few moments when I move...

CEDA economic and political overview keynote speech by Catherine Livingstone

This speech was delivered by BCA President Catherine Livingstone at the CEDA Economic and Political Overview event in Sydney on 8 March 2016.  Check against delivery.  Thank you Alf, and thanks to Stephen and to CEDA for inviting me to...

Global Challenges, Smart Solutions

This is the text of a speech given by Chief Executive Jennifer Westacott to the Crawford School of Public Policy today.   Check against delivery.   Acknowledgements   Distinguished guests. Ladies and gentlemen. I would like to acknowledge the traditional...

Global Challenges, Smart Solutions

This is the text of a speech given by Chief Executive Jennifer Westacott to the Crawford School of Public Policy today. Check against delivery. Acknowledgements   Distinguished guests.

Enhancing Australia's Prosperity

  This is the text of a speech delivered by Chief Executive Jennifer Westacott to the Australian Institute of International Affairs in Canberra today.   Acknowledgements Distinguished guests. Ladies and gentlemen. I would like to acknowledge the traditional owners of the...

Enhancing Australia's Prosperity

  This is the text of a speech delivered by Chief Executive Jennifer Westacott to the Australian Institute of International Affairs in Canberra today.   Acknowledgements Distinguished guests.

The More Things Change

Chief Executive Jennifer Westacott gave this speech to the Australia Israel Chamber of Commerce WA. Check against delivery. Acknowledgements Distinguished guests. Ladies and gentlemen. I would like to acknowledge the traditional owners of the land on which we meet, the...

The More Things Change

Chief Executive Jennifer Westacott gave this speech to the Australia Israel Chamber of Commerce WA. Check against delivery. Acknowledgements Distinguished guests. Ladies and gentlemen. I would like to acknowledge the traditional owners of the land on which we meet, the...

The True Value of Humanities

Chief Executive Jennifer Westacott gave this speech to a University of Sydney Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, and Australian National University Humanities Research Centre, forum on the role of humanities in the world of business.   Distinguished guests. Ladies...

The True Value of Humanities

Chief Executive Jennifer Westacott gave this speech to a University of Sydney Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, and Australian National University Humanities Research Centre, forum on the role of humanities in the world of business. Distinguished guests. Ladies and...

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