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2014 Reports and Papers
Partnerships to secure jobs for disadvantaged jobseekers
The Australian Council of Social Service, the Australian Council of Trade Unions and the Business Council of Australia have jointly proposed improvements to employment services to deliver better job outcomes for people disadvantaged in the labour market. The organisations propose...
Business Council of Australia and Foundation for Young Australians Memorandum of Understanding
The Business Council of Australia has launched a new partnership with the Foundation for Young Australians (FYA) at a roundtable discussion between BCA member CEOs and a group of secondary school students. Students, teachers and business leaders met for a...
BCA–Regional Australia Institute Consultations
The Regional Australia Institute and the Business Council of Australia have held a series of regional consultations on unlocking economic prosperity. The BCA has used the forums to better understand how the BCA Action Plan for Enduring Prosperity relates to...
Action Plan for Enduring Prosperity: Read the Plan and Give Your Feedback
The Business Council of Australia’s Action Plan for Enduring Prosperity was released in July 2013 to generate discussion about the structural reform Australia needs to grow the economy and achieve broad social and economic aspirations. The plan was influenced by...
Business Council of Australia and Supply Nation Memorandum of Understanding
The Business Council of Australia is committed to working to provide the social and economic conditions in which Indigenous Australians can achieve their potential. Supply Nation’s vision and business strategy is to achieve a prosperous, vibrant and sustainable Indigenous enterprise...