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2014 Reports and Papers
BCA 2014 Indigenous Engagement Survey Report
The Business Council of Australia's 2014 Indigenous Engagement Survey Report shows companies are continuing to explore and find new ways of supporting Indigenous economic and social inclusion. While employment remains a focus, more and more companies are involved in a...
Australia’s Energy Advantages
Australia’s economy was shaped by access to low-cost energy. But energy costs are rising and our comparative advantage in energy is weakening.We need a balanced approach to energy policy. This Business Council of Australia report, Australia’s Energy Advantages, identifies five...
Australia’s Energy Advantages
Australia’s economy was shaped by access to low-cost energy. But energy costs are rising and our comparative advantage in energy is weakening.We need a balanced approach to energy policy. This Business Council of Australia report, Australia’s Energy Advantages, identifies five...
Building Australia’s Innovation System
This paper, Building Australia’s Innovation System, was the Business Council of Australia’s submission to the Senate Economics Reference Committee Inquiry into the Australian Innovation System, lodged in September 2014. To grow and prosper in an increasingly competitive global environment, we...
The Future of Tax: Australia’s Current Tax System
The Future of Tax: Australia’s Current Tax System is the first in a series of papers that the Business Council of Australia will release in the lead-up to the Commonwealth Government’s tax white paper reform process. It presents a platform...
Discussion Paper on Foreign Investment and State-owned Enterprises
The Business Council of Australia is today releasing its Discussion Paper on Foreign Investment and State-owned Enterprises: Managing the Risks to Maximise the Benefits. The discussion paper was launched at a forum in Sydney co-hosted by the BCA and ANU...
Discussion Paper on Foreign Investment and State-owned Enterprises
The Business Council of Australia is today releasing its Discussion Paper on Foreign Investment and State-owned Enterprises: Managing the Risks to Maximise the Benefits. The discussion paper was launched at a forum in Sydney co-hosted by the BCA and ANU...
Assessing the Impact of the Renewable Energy Target
The Business Council of Australia, together with the Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Minerals Council of Australia, has issued a joint statement calling for the Renewable Energy Target to be amended. The statement is accompanied by modelling...
Impact of Green Energy Policies on Electricity Prices
Report by Synergies Economic Consulting and Roam Consulting The Business Council of Australia has released a report showing that the carbon tax and other green energy policies now account for a total of 40 per cent of the electricity bill...
Building Australia’s Comparative Advantages
This discussion paper, Building Australia’s Comparative Advantages, builds on the work of the BCA’s 2013 Action Plan for Enduring Prosperity. It seeks to start a conversation about what it will take to build an innovative economy, foster globally competitive industries...