In this speech to the New South Wales Energy Security Summit, titled ‘Securing NSW’s Gas Supply Future’, BCA President Tony Shepherd outlines the factors that are putting upward pressure on gas prices and the challenges for Australia's east coast domestic...
In this address to the inaugural dinner meeting of the John Grill Centre for Project Leadership at the University of Sydney, Business Council of Australia President Tony Shepherd says the ingredients of effective project leadership include:
In a speech to young people attending the YFoundations Youth Futures conference in Sydney, Jennifer Westacott spoke about the how changes in the economy are changing the world of work. Her speech drew on the BCA’s Action Plan for Enduring...
In a speech to young people attending the YFoundations Youth Futures conference in Sydney, Jennifer Westacott spoke about the how changes in the economy are changing the world of work.
In this speech, titled Big and Small: The Yin and Yang of Business’, delivered to the NAB National Small Business Summit in Brisbane on 25 July 2013, Business Council of Australia Chief Executive Jennifer Westacott discusses: the joint and deeply...
In this speech, titled Big and Small: The Yin and Yang of Business’, delivered to the NAB National Small Business Summit in Brisbane on 25 July 2013, Business Council of Australia Chief Executive Jennifer Westacott discusses:
In this speech to the Australian Institute of Management in Sydney, Business Council of Australia Chief Executive Katie Lahey explains that the business sector is deeply linked to the prosperity and wellbeing of Australian society through the contribution businesses make...
In this address to the National Press Club in Canberra, Business Council of Australia President Hugh Morgan explains how economies that support and encourage competitiveness are invariably those that are the most successful, and that since governments all over the...
In this speech to the Midmarket CEO Symposium in Hobart, Business Council of Australia Chief Executive Katie Lahey explains that the business sector is deeply linked to the prosperity and wellbeing of Australian society through the contribution businesses make to...
In this speech to the Australian Davos Connection–Business Council of Australia Summit, ‘Investment and Innovation: Australia’s Future’, the Chairman of the BCA Sustainable Growth Task Force, Rod Pearse, argues that a national infrastructure reform agenda is critical to ensuring impediments...