2012 Submissions
Submission to the Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee on Consolidation of Anti-Discrimination Laws

The Business Council of Australia approaches the introduction of any new regulation from the perspective of the trade-offs that it necessarily requires. The extension of new protections and the new arrangements applying to employers and those providing goods and services...

Submission to the Australian Law Reform Commission Review into Commonwealth Legal Barriers to Older Persons Participating in the Workforce or Other Productive Work

The BCA strongly supports initiatives that encourage the full economic and social participation of all Australians. We also subscribe to the core principle that regulation is never the best way to deal with major public policy challenges. This submission outlines...

Submission to the House of Representatives Inquiry into Australia’s Oil Refining Industry

November 2012 Access to cheap energy has historically underpinned the competitiveness of the Australian economy. Ongoing access to affordable and secure energy remains of critical importance to the Australian economy today. This is particularly relevant to Australia in the context...

Submission to the Senate Standing Committees on Education, Employment and Workplace Relations in relation to the Fair Work Amendment Bill 2012

Australia is on the way to becoming a high-wage, high-cost, low-productivity economy and this is posing huge challenges to our international competitiveness. Like all developed economies, there are potential threats to Australia’s future economic prosperity as new competitors emerge, the...

Submission to the Independent Review of the Australian Government’s Regulatory Impact Analysis Process

Australia currently ranks 96th out of 144 nations for regulatory burden on the World Economic Forum’s Global Competitiveness Index, which means there are considerable gains to be made from institutionalising more disciplined regulatory gatekeeping. This submission supports a strong and swift...

Submission to the National Occupational Licensing Authority Board regarding Regulatory Impact Statements for National Occupational Licensing

The Business Council of Australia has lodged a submission to the National Occupational Licensing Authority (NOLA) consultation on the development of national harmonised licensing for electrical, property, plumbing and gasfitting, and refrigeration and air-conditioning occupations.The submission welcomes the opportunity to...

Submission to the Essential Services Commission of South Australia regarding the 2011–2014 Electricity Standing Contract Price Determination Wholesale Electricity Cost Investigation

The Business Council of Australia has made a short submission to the Essential Services Commission of South Australia regarding the 2011–2014 Electricity Standing Contract Price Determination Wholesale Electricity Cost Investigation. A clear commitment was made by the Council of Australian...

Submission to the Senate Select Committee on the Scrutiny of New Taxes

The submission says that the inquiry into new taxes can make a helpful contribution to the understanding of the broader community about the importance of tax reform in underpinning Australia’s productivity, growth and community wellbeing. It discusses how the design...

Submission to the Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority on the Economics and Business Aspects of the Draft Shape of the National Curriculum

The new national curriculum on economics and business will significantly influence how primary and senior school students understand the role that the economy and businesses play in growing national prosperity. It is important that the curriculum properly prepares young people...

Submission in Response to the Business Tax Working Group Discussion Paper

The Business Council of Australia has made a submission responding to the discussion paper issued by the Business Tax Working Group in August 2012. The submission incorporates a paper commissioned by the Business Council from Deloitte Access Economics titled ‘Options...

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