The announcement by the federal government of a fiscal strategy that returns the Budget to surplus in 2012–13 is the right economic policy for the times. This year’s Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook (MYEFO) has been delivered against a backdrop of...
The passage of the Minerals Resource Rent Tax (MRRT) Bill through parliament should not be a template for future tax reform, Business Council of Australia Chief Executive Jennifer Westacott said. “Although a marked improvement on the deeply flawed Resource Super...
The Business Council of Australia welcomes the plans by Prime Minister Julia Gillard to change Labor Party policy to open the way to sell uranium to India with important safeguards. Council President Tony Shepherd said if agreed, the move would...
The Business Council of Australia today announced the election of Tony Shepherd as its new president for a term of two years effective Friday 11 November 2011. Mr Shepherd is one of Australia’s most highly respected and passionate business leaders....
Creative initiatives by Australia’s largest businesses are having an increasingly significant impact in supporting Indigenous employment and economic development. The third annual survey by the Business Council of Australia attracted a record 74 per cent response rate from member companies...
The Clean Energy Future Package legislation passed by parliament today has the potential to significantly increase risks to Australia’s economic growth and competitiveness. The Business Council of Australia has worked constructively with successive governments to ensure a workable approach to...
“Australia must stand ready to play its part in the G20 deliberations on the European banking and sovereign debt crisis,” Business Council of Australia Chief Executive Jennifer Westacott said today. “Resolution of the European crisis should be the highest global...
Following the decision by Fair Work Australia to terminate industrial action between Qantas and unions, the Business Council of Australia calls on the parties to the dispute to work towards an agreement to resolve the issues as quickly as possible...
The Australian Industry Group (Ai Group) and the Business Council of Australia (BCA) have written to all members of the Australian Parliament urging them to act in Australia’s long-term economic interest and amend the Clean Energy Future legislation to include...
The Australian Parliament must reconsider its approach to the Clean Energy Future legislation and act in the long-term national economic interest. Parliament must amend the legislation to include specific safeguards so Australia acts in tandem with other major emitting nations...