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2010 Submissions
Submission to the Productivity Commission on Reform of Australia’s Urban Water Sector
The BCA has made a submission to the Productivity Commission inquiry on reforms to Australia’s urban water sector. The submission restates our urban water reform agenda from earlier BCA publications Groundwork for Growth and Water Under Pressure. The submission advocates...
Submission to the Senate Economics References Committee Inquiry into Competition within the Australian Banking Sector
Australia’s economy has become more open, connected and integrated with the world economy. While our economy has strengthened, our markets have become more dynamic, we have many new products and services, and also new competitors. The changed economic context that...
Submission to the Premier of Victoria regarding the Climate Change Bill 2010
In this letter to the Premier of Victoria, the Honourable John Brumby, BCA CEO Katie Lahey notes the Business Council of Australia is concerned that there are substantial new proposals introduced in the Climate Change Bill 2010 that have not...
Submission to the Productivity Commission Study, ‘Performance Benchmarking of Australian Business Regulation: Planning, Zoning and Development Assessments’
The Productivity Commission is undertaking a study into planning and zoning to benchmark the impact of different systems across jurisdictions, and their effect on red tape, competition and the functioning of cities. In developing our submission to the study, we...
Submission to the Senate Community Affairs Committee on the National Health and Hospitals Network Bill 2010
The Business Council of Australia welcomes the permanent establishment of the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care as a long-overdue development to address continuing issues of patient safety and quality in the health sector. But the establishment...
Letter to the Opposition Leader on the Economic and Social Importance of Investing in National E-Health Infrastructure
June 2010 Transforming the way in which patient and health system information is collected, stored and accessed is fundamental to meeting many challenges within the healthcare sector. A nationally integrated e-health system offers perhaps the greatest potential for improving the...
Letter to the Shadow Minister for Health and Ageing on the Importance of National Leadership to Bring about a Nationally Integrated E-Health System
February 2010 This letter, to the Honourable Peter Dutton, Shadow Minister for Health and Ageing, summarises the need for need for microeconomic reform of the health sector. It explains the economic and social importance of the health sector, its challenges...
Submission to the Senate Community Affairs Committee Inquiry into the Paid Parental Leave Exposure Draft
Australia needs to maintain its workforce participation as the population ages. Many woman of child-bearing age find the costs of workforce participation too high and the difficulties of juggling parenthood and work excessive. As a society, we need to make...
Submission to the Productivity Commission Inquiry into Caring for Older Australians
The number of people aged 85 and over is expected to more than quadruple over the next 40 years, to 1.8 million people by 2050. The range and level of services available to meet the needs of older Australians is...
Letter to Health Minister Nicola Roxon regarding Supervision and Governance of the Health Sector
December 2009 This letter, to Health Minister Nicola Roxon, outlines why health care needs to be treated as a system, and why taking a microeconomic lens to the challenges facing that system add new policy options to those traditionally available....