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2008 Submissions
Submission to the Senate Inquiry into the Workplace Relations Amendment (WorkChoices) Bill 2005
9 November 2005 Business Council of Australia submission to the Senate Inquiry into the Workplace Relations Amendment (WorkChoices) Bill 2005.
Submission to the Taskforce on Reducing Regulatory Burdens on Business
The problems of over-regulation could only be solved by long-term systemic changes and not quick fixes. The comments were outlined in the BCA’s submission to the federal government’s Taskforce on Reducing Regulatory Burdens on Business, which was established to address...
Submission to the Budget Process 2006–07
The BCA has made a submission to the 2006–07 federal budget process, outlining the importance of a strategic economic reform program to Australia’s future prosperity. Download a copy of it here.
Action Plan for Future Prosperity and 2005–06 Budget Submission
Business leaders today called for an action plan for the economy focused on productivity improvements, saying Australia’s strength and resilience as an economy were likely to erode if major reforms were not started quickly. The Business Council of Australia’s federal...
Business Coalition for Tax Reform Budget Submission
Download the Business Coalition for Tax Reform (BCTR) submission to the Budget.
Submission on Component Pricing: Trade Practices Amendment (Component Pricing and Other Measures) Bill 2008
This submission relates to the draft bill to section 53C of the Trade Practices Act 1974 (Cth) (TPA) relating to component pricing. Any new business laws or proposed changes to existing laws should only occur where: there is a clearly identifiable...
Submission to the Garnaut Climate Change Review on Emissions Trading Scheme Design Principles
In its submission to the 2007–08 federal Budget, the BCA set a goal for Australia to lift its living standards into the top-five band of the world’s developed economies by 2012 and in the process, provide additional opportunities and the...
Submission to the Senate Inquiry into State and Territory Fiscal Relations and State and Territory Government Financial Management
This submission argues that major barriers to reform in areas such as special purpose payments, state government financial management and infrastructure, are associated with poor cooperation between governments. Australia’s federal and state governments have a responsibility to achieve greater cooperation...
Submission to the Inquiry into Shareholder Engagement and Participation
This submission argues that the Australian corporate governance environment is overregulated, which creates major impediments to effective shareholder engagement. An effective corporate governance environment must give companies the flexibility to adapt their methods of engagement according to individual circumstances and...
Submission on the Draft Legislation for Criminal Penalties for Serious Cartel Conduct
The BCA supports robust, effective competition law as an important element of business regulation in Australia. Cartel conduct is inconsistent with the efficient operation of markets, and the BCA has always supported the criminalisation of serious cartel conduct. However, the...